Thursday, June 25, 2009

Fatherhood 24/7

I recently became a new father, I say new because I am not new to fatherhood, but I am new to being a daddy 24/7, sending money and talking on the phone is one thing, but waking in the middle of the night and working your day around the child sleep pattern is another. I underestimated the true worth of a woman, I think. This was my first time seeing everything, and I mean everything, I'm smiling now, but at that time. I... was.... nerrrvous. It challenged my manhood, (Might I say the vagina is a magnificent tool) But I stood in there like a trooper, and I'm known for be a puker, but I stood tall. Just recently my wife has started to need that adult time with the girls, I had to watch my daughter on my own, without my safety net(the wife). And the funny thing is I had just said to her she could work from home and take of the baby at the same time, and she said she could not, so we had a "discussion". But low and behold, if my daughter didn't make a lie out of me, my thinking was that I would have a quiet night and get some work done. Apparently her and her mom had set me up! she cried and wanted to be held the whole while, and even when she slept, she only slept for like 10 minutes, and woke up ready to play, or eat, or just wanting me to hold her and I couldn't even sit down, how does she know I'm not standing? At the end of the night I pretended to text my wife to see how her bedazzle party was going, but I was really trying to figure out, when she could rescue me,

Fatherhood 24/7