Friday, July 23, 2010

Things are starting to make sense

I had one of those days, that made all the previous days make sense. My wife and I went shopping, didn't see anything I liked, but we walked in the pregnant women store, and she found things that looked really cute on her. Now usually I would've had to make a purchase for myself, a shirt, some shoes or something, but this time was different. I didn't really have a need, I just wanted something, we have been blessed, if I truly want something I could have it. I'm guessing I must have mentioned it to someone,that I wanted some new hoop shoes, prior to father's day. Now fast forward to the other day, talking to a associate, him talking "what happen to the new hoop shoes you wanted?", I made my wife the bad guy, and said she didn't think I needed new hoop shoes at the moment, I lied, It was me that decided I didn't need them. As I walked away, I realized that I could really shine if I wanted to, but that would be prolonging my true goal, which is to have financial freedom. Now I get that there are certain sacrifices to be made in the sight of others, those who only want perceived wealth. I want true wealth, that I can pass on for generations and generations of Mitchell's. In that one thought my entire philosophy made sense to me. When your passive income covers all your bills, and you have money to do the things that make you happy, you are rich. I don't want that nice car that I need to add rims to make it look expensive, I want a really expensive car, that looks expensive because it is expensive, and the company that I own pays for it.