Sunday, September 18, 2011

40 is Not the New 20

Turning 40 has made my thought process completely different, I feel as though it's race to retirement. I want all our debt gone, I want to save a lot more money, move in to our headquarter home in Chandler, our retirement home. My main immediate goals are to Grow our business Tiburon Xchange, crush my job pay plan!, drive cars that are paid off (that will be a first, the whole car thing). There have been some major changes in my house hold; my oldest daughter decided to come live with us as she gets established in her field of choice. All I ask is respect and to be an addition to our family. They say our house is boring, I say don't bring yo ass over here then, we don't have time for your petty crap anyway, you fricken time killer! We are trying to use life up, we make our best effort to not waste time on things that won't matter tomorrow. We focus on "Minding our Business", it's about achievement over here. This life we are living is by design, not default. I truly love my life. The past 90 days have been challenging , started a new gig selling Telecom, which I have no experience, but since I know sales, the vehicle doesn't really matter. Everything has to be sold in this world, either your buying or selling. Oh, had my first experience with a non selling sales manager, he never sold, but was stuck on playing manager, we call it "manager-idious" with a bunch rules that at the end of the day didn't put numbers on the board. To his defense he was setup to fail, he didn't have a clue of how to lead, and was dragging my ass down the same path. Recently things have gotten better, they got someone in there that has done it before on a high level, and finally I can breathe. But now my ass is behind the 8 ball, with 30 days to make it happen, or I go away. But I figure, who cares Kieran, you can make it happen. With this new air I'm able to breathe, my success and confidence is starting to make a move in a positive direction, amazing what can happen when you can trust what the manager says cuz he done it and had success. This burning desire is for my family and I to stay harmonious, allow God to work through us, no one said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it....

Monday, May 30, 2011

He forgot his toothbrush again...

When I told him I was coming to pick him up for Thanksgiving, I said "make sure to bring clothes and a toothbrush, the distant between our homes is far and he would be here maybe thru the weekend, which he was". I knew the first time had to be a mispack, we supplied him the last toothbrush, and he just left it at our house and it appeared unused. So this time I made a point to remind him to bring his own. Still to this day I dont think he gets it. My family has a scapegoats for all their issues, my two sisters and the drugs they love. My mom says "he don't know no better". But does that give him a reason not to brush his teeth, he looks in the mirror everyday and to have his mouth look so horrible at such a young age, it so bad I can't watch him talk, I get distracted. At the rate he's going, he'll have dentures in his thrities, no joke....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

deserving Blessings

I'd been thinking about writing a Blog for a while, about my Blackberry messenger, and on how its not for everyone in my circle-sorry, but its not. Started reading #Atlasshrugged and all that went out of the window. This book has me so fired up and I want to talk about the things I feel I deserve.I dream big, just wait.I don't do much, we do family time and outings. I go to the gym, been doing it since I was 17. I still love to Hoop,I workout so I can continue to hoop. I work in my office @TiburonXchange, in an attempt to make us "free" from all the rules that people who don't have money have to abide by. Go- Do- eat- when and where we want too. Take family trips to other countries, for six months at a time, renting Villas and Range Rovers, for the stay. I've thought this thing through,seriously. These two people are why I can't stop. Theses are my babies!
We're both very involved in the upbringing of our children, I personally want them to go to #Yale or #Harvard for grad school, least have the option to go. But I don't want them to be employees. That's just me. See, I think #God and I have a great relationship, God is like the rails at the blowing alley for kids- for me, he keeps me out of real trouble. I'm not perfect but I feel I'm genuine, I want us all to feel how I feel, A feeling deserving of the blessings, which for me is sometimes a struggle too. My goal is to have success in each area of my life, "that" doesn't sound like much! I believe with perseverance and working hard on "Purpose" is magic. Walking by #Faith, and not by sight, working with faith is putting your neck out there, taking a stand and feeling confident in your choices, knowing the God will walk with you. I don't think that's asking too much.#Blessings: Much is giving, much is expected. I know I won't ever stop trying to achieve that success- like #Ceelo said "Die Trying"