Tuesday, February 1, 2011

deserving Blessings

I'd been thinking about writing a Blog for a while, about my Blackberry messenger, and on how its not for everyone in my circle-sorry, but its not. Started reading #Atlasshrugged and all that went out of the window. This book has me so fired up and I want to talk about the things I feel I deserve.I dream big, just wait.I don't do much, we do family time and outings. I go to the gym, been doing it since I was 17. I still love to Hoop,I workout so I can continue to hoop. I work in my office @TiburonXchange, in an attempt to make us "free" from all the rules that people who don't have money have to abide by. Go- Do- eat- when and where we want too. Take family trips to other countries, for six months at a time, renting Villas and Range Rovers, for the stay. I've thought this thing through,seriously. These two people are why I can't stop. Theses are my babies!
We're both very involved in the upbringing of our children, I personally want them to go to #Yale or #Harvard for grad school, well....at least have the option to go. But I don't want them to be employees. That's just me. See, I think #God and I have a great relationship, God is like the rails at the blowing alley for kids- for me, he keeps me out of real trouble. I'm not perfect but I feel I'm genuine, I want us all to feel how I feel, A feeling deserving of the blessings, which for me is sometimes a struggle too. My goal is to have success in each area of my life, "that" doesn't sound like much! I believe with perseverance and working hard on "Purpose" is magic. Walking by #Faith, and not by sight, working with faith is putting your neck out there, taking a stand and feeling confident in your choices, knowing the God will walk with you. I don't think that's asking too much.#Blessings: Much is giving, much is expected. I know I won't ever stop trying to achieve that success- like #Ceelo said "Die Trying"