Your hormonal....but besides that, I have no clue how to handle you or your negative energy. Saturday, you did to me what your mom did to you. The past is concrete, if you can't leave the past, in the past, our relationship isn't gonna work and I suggest you talk to an expert about the things you can't get over.
Im not asking you, I'm informing you I'm not gonna take your shit. You've been keeping score this whole while with vicious intent 🤔 waiting for your chance to pounce, liking throwing a grenade, what a sucky way to be. You win!! I'm done apologizing!!
I'm not perfect and nor are you or anyone else, If you knew that back story to the post you'd feel so silly. Of course you won't take the time to really check what you dont know; knee jerk responses are the worst.... jumping to conclusions, making accusations, assuming; are the best ways to make an ass of yourself.
If your reject your Brianna, Xavier, Ella and my wife, you reject me as well. Your rejecting yourself as well. Everybody has standards, A man stands for nothing will fall for anything. I will not allow you to treat people I love with disrespect