Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Return to Sender"

Meanwhile back at the lab, I sit wondering what is faith? looking up at these light green walls, with a glass desk that faces outward, man that door packs a lot of heat literally, it's about 109 outside! So what exactly does having faith mean? I hear my mom say "we all for self and GOD for us all", I believe that to be true too. My definition of faith is taking the action and knowing that you will be alright, understanding that if it's worth something, it'll take time, and in the process is where the true blessing is. A friend of mine mentioned that "mutha&%#**'s" want a million dollars, but for free!! We call it the Lotto mentality, "I haven't done anything to contribute to this world, but someone should give me million dollars", yeah right!! And we'll watch you destroy yourself. Its the journey,the learning,and the growing as a person, thats the value, not the destination.I think that GOD gives the blessing to the ones that are ready to receive it and do the work, I actually think the blessing is not for the person the blessing is given too, but it is given to them, so they may bless many, by doing the neccessary work, taking a little for themselves, but sharing. I always think, why would GOD give a blessing to someone and it stop with just them? thats my only question, I always tell my mom that I "question everything" and I do....

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